Makes 4-6 Servings



Frozen vegetables, kale, green beans, bell peppers, zucchini, carrot, onion, kale, peas, snap peas, bean sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, bean sprouts or edamame.


Chicken, steak, shrimp, fish, beef, pork, or tofu.


Soy sauce, ginger, garlic, rice vinegar, hosin sauce, garlic, chili, chili garlic, lime, chicken broth, vegetable stock, sugar or honey, cornstarch, red pepper flakes or sesame oil.


Cumin, paprika and chili powder for even more flavor.


Egg, green onions, fresh herbs, sesame seeds, cashews, peanuts, or cheese.

This versatile Anything Stir Fry recipe is the perfect pantry-to-table recipe. You can use any veggies, any sauce, any meats, making this the perfect easy, quick go-to recipe. Whether you stir in kale, green beans, or peppers or toss with chicken or steak, you’ll love these tips to master the perfect sauce-filled stir fry. You can easily craft the perfect stir fry and adapt for any diet whether gluten free, vegan, vegetarian or plant-based.

Chef Tips

Tip 1: Add seasonings like cumin, paprika and chili powder for even more flavor.

Tip 2: Add a topping! Whether toasted sesame seeds, grated cheese, fresh herbs or even an over-easy egg, get creative and add a topping to your stir fry!

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