Serves 6

You can use any combination of vegetables that you like. With so many different varieties of zucchini, summer squash and eggplant, the delicious and colorful possibilities are endless.


2 medium zucchini or summer squash
2 small eggplants
1 large sweet bell pepper
2 roma tomatoes

For the Tomato Sauce base:
3 Tablespoons butter
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium onion, diced
1 (15 oz) can crushed tomatoes
1 teaspoon salt, or to taste
Fresh cracked black pepper, to taste

For the Garlic Herb Oil:
1/4 cup of olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons fresh chopped herbs (basil, parsley, oregano, dill) or 2 teaspoon dried herbs


1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Make the tomato sauce base: Heat a 12-inch oven safe skillet on medium/high heat. Melt butter, then add onions and garlic. Cook until softened.

3. Add crushed tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Stir, then simmer on low heat for about 1 minute. Remove from heat.

4. Prepare the vegetables: Slice vegetables about 1/4-inch thick and as even as possible. Set aside.

5. In the skillet over the sauce, alternate the slices of vegetables and lay them in a circular position. Start from the outside edge of the skillet, then arrange the vegetables toward the center. Gently press on vegetables to lay slightly flat so they can cook evenly.

6. Make Garlic Herb Oil: in small bowl, combine oil, garlic and herbs. Stir to combine. Drizzle garlic herb oil evenly over the sliced vegetables.

7. Bake for about 40-50 minutes, or until the vegetables are cooked to your liking. If you like your veggies softer, cover the skillet with foil for the first 30 minutes of baking time. Then remove the foil to finish off the last 15-20 minutes to crisp the top.

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